A Petri Net Computational Model for Web-based Students Attendance Monitoring


  • F. S. Bakpo University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria


Web based student attendance, Petri nets, computational model, monitoring



Author: F. S. Bakpo

Monitoring student's attendance in classes is necessaryfor proper assessment of their understanding and performance in a course module. Attendance nzonitoring in a manual teaching ånd leanüng setting is easier than in web-based. The major reason for the inherent difficulty is that the latter provides virtual teaching and learning relationship in which students are not seen, whereas thefonner involves physical orface-to-face teaching and learning. Research and evidence showed that good attendance has a direct impact on student's success in a course module. The paper presents an overview of studentteacher relationship in an educational environment. Subsequently, a Inathematical model description using Petri nets is provided to capture web- based student attendance. The entpirical exanzple and corresponding output using Microsoft Excel justified the modeling power of Petri nets. The framework presented can be embedded into custom online academic programnte to track student attendance in course modules.


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Author Biography

F. S. Bakpo, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Department of Computer Science


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