Authors can submit their manuscript online (after registration) through the following URL of the Journal,

Authors can also log in to view the status of his/her manuscript.

Manuscript can also be submitted directly to the Editor in Chief through the following contact:

Prof. Nnabuk Okon Eddy

Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry’

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State


Please note that authors who submit their manuscript through Email will ultimately register in the Journal website before their manuscript can be published. Communication in Physical Sciences, requires that at least one of the authors (preferably, the corresponding author) should submit his/her Orcid number before publication. The Orcid number can be generated directly from the Orcid URl, http//: or through our website after registration.

Authors should ensure that manuscript submitted for publication in Communication in Physical Sciences has not been submitted elsewhere or is under consideration for publication in any other Journal.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript should be type written (Times new Romans font) in English language. Authors can use American or British English but should be consistent in their choice. Manuscript should follow the following structure

  • Title
  • Key Words
  • Authors identity/information
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • References
  • Acknowledgement
  • Appendix

    Title: Title of the manuscript should be written with initial capital using Times New Romans (font size = 16). The title should be flushed to the topmost left hand side of the first page. For  example

    Inhibition of the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Acidic Medium by Plant Gum

    The title should be simple and be able to describe the content of the manuscript. Although we do not have the limit to the number of words requires for the title, authors are expected to ensure that the title of their work is as short and possible.

    Immediately after the title, the names of the authors should be written, starting from their first name (Font size = 12). The corresponding author should type asterisk before his/her first name.  Please note, addresses of the authors should not be written along with the names


    The abstract should present information of the aim of the work, methodology, results obtained, findings and conclusion. The word limit for the abstract is 300 words and should be written in Times New Romans font (font size = 11) and be italicized

    Key Words

    Authors should indicate at least three key words that describes the work submitted for publication. The key words should be in Times New Romans font (font size =12) and should be italicized.

    Authors information

    Names of the author, Institutional address, Email address and Orcid number should be provided (in Times New Romans number, Font size – 12) immediately after the key words.

    Materials and Methods

    All materials and methods adopted for study should be explicitly presented and described in this section. References should be given to the source of experimental method and if it is amended method, the author should also reference the original source and state that the experimental method is amended.  Times new Romans font (11) is required in this section

    Results and Discussion

    Results obtained should be presented wither in sentence or Tables or Figures. It is only those results that were presented should be discussed.  Discussion of results should be based on technical information and should not present any outright criticism of existing opinion without substantial facts.


    Conclusion based on the objectives of the study and the findings should be briefly written. Summary of the follow may initiate this section before conclusion and recommendation.


    Authors should acknowledge all source of information and supports. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission from sources that requires such before publication.

    Tables and Figures

    Tables and Figures must have titles and should be cited in the before they are placed immediately after the cited sentence (except where they can not be accommodated). Title of Tables should be written in full (in bold)  and be placed before the Table. However, Title of Figures should be written as ‘Fig.’ below the Figure and be bolden.


    All equation should be written using equation editor or similar package. All equation should be numbered and the number should appear in bracket. For example,


    Symbol and Unit

    All symbols and abbreviations should be defined on first usage. The can be placed as list of symbols on the first page after Author’s information. However, this is optional.  Communication in physical Sciences encourage the use of S.I unit except where otherwise necessary.


    References should be cited in the text using the surname of the author(s) separated by comma and then the year of publication (all in parenthesis). For example, (Eddy, 2020) or (Odiongenyi and Ukpe (2020). When the authors are more than three, only the surname of the first author should be cited and other should be represented by et al.,. For example, (Eddy et al., 2020). These formats are appropriate if cited at the end of the sentence.  However, if the reference begins the sentence or is at the middle of the sentence, it should follow the appropriate formats. For example,

    According to Eddy et al. (2020), corrosion is the ……………………………

    Odiongenyi (2020) stated that adsorption is ……………………….

    Listing of references at the end of the manuscript (after conclusion/acknowledgement) should follow the format,

    • For Journal articles

    With page number:

    Christian, P., Von der, K. F., Baalousha, M., & Hofmann, T. (2008). Nanoparticles: Structure, Properties, Preparation and Behaviour in Environmental Media. Ecotoxicology, 17, pp. 326-43.


    With DOI and no page number


    Dey, S., Bano, F., and Malik, A. (2019). Pharmaceuticals and personal care product (PPCP) contamination—a global discharge inventory. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products: Waste Management and Treatment Technology, pp. 1-26.  doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-816189-0.00001-9 


    Grey, D., Garrick, D., Blackmore, D., Kelman, J., Muller, M. & Sadoff, C. (2013). Water security in one blue planet: twenty-first century policy challenges for science. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371, doi/10.1098/rsta.2012.0406

    Textbooks and monographs

    Gupta P., Kumar D., Quraishi M.A. & Parkash O. (2016) Metal Matrix Nanocomposites and Their Application in Corrosion Control. In: Husain M., Khan Z. (eds) Advances in Nanomaterials. Advanced Structured Materials, Springer, New Delhi.

    Husen, A and Iqbal, M. (2019). Nanomaterials and Plant Potential. (1st edition) Springer publishing company, Salmon Tower Building, New York City.


    Conference papers

    Edet, M. O., Akpan, A. M. & Effiong, U. (2020). Nano materials and their mechanical properties. A paper presented during the 38th International Conference of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. Held at Benin City, Edo State, On the 12 th of September 2018.

    Edet, M. O., Akpan, A. M. & Effiong, U. (2020). Nano materials and their mechanical properties. A paper presented during the 38th International Conference of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. Held at Benin City, Edo State, On the 12 th of September 2018, pp. 32-33.

    Papers form the Internet (only necessary where other information are lacking)


    Essence of communication in Sciences. www.system,net/09


    Bernard, N. O., (2020). Essence of communication in Sciences. www.system,net/09


    Conflict of Interest

    Authors are required to declare that there is no conflict of interest in their work and to obtained permission to present information if need be.


    The journal observes all the rules specified by Committee on Publication Ethics  and subscribes to its principles on how to deal with acts of misconduct thereby committing to investigate allegations of misconduct in order to ensure the integrity of research. The Journal reserve the right use plagiarism detector (online) to screen the submission and if found guilty, we shall follows the necessary guidelines on plagiarism.


    Open Choice articles do not require transfer of copyright because  the copyright remains with the author. Once the author accept his article to be published with communication with Physical Sciences, , the author(s) agree to publish the article under the Creative Commons Attribution License. [Link: Creative Commons Attribution License]



    All manuscript submitted to communication in Physical Sciences is first received by the Editor in Chief, who will invite the editor in the subject area for consideration of the submitted manuscript. If the initial screening meets the Journal aim and scope and follow our format, the manuscript is schedule for review, which is normally conducted using double blind review process. Each manuscript is double blinded and forwarded to three reviewers. The Journal requires at least two positive reviewers’ report before we can proceed to the next step (I,e correction by the author and re-submission). All re-submitted manuscripts are subjected to Language vetting and final editorial revision before it is forwarded to press for production of Galley Proof. Manuscript are published after the payment of approved publication charge (normally after receiving Galley Proof and acceptance memo). There is no charge for review of manuscript.