Solar Activity and Dynamics of Particles in the Ionosphere


Electrojet, dynamics, ionosphere, thennospheric )t'ind, electron density


Communication in  Physical Sciences. 1(1):29-34, April 2010

Authors: N. Okekel , W. T. Sivla2, S.O. Agha3, and E.A. Hanson4

The study of midlatitude ionospheric stonn dynanüc, IOM' latitude irregularities and equatorial region have shown that the "lidlatitude is ntuch Inore dyncunics than earlier predicted. It was found that strong enhancenent of electron density that occurred in "lidlatitude at mnidday, could also favour the local E X B instability that is driven by thennospheric wind. Hence, the high effect of ionospheric disturbances was recorded at the nüdlatitudes, which was attributed to increase in solar activities. On the other hand, "linor stonn effect H'as observed in the equatorial region. It vs•as then concluded that very strong storin effects recorded in the nudtitudes could be responsible for its being conspicuously very dynamic.


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