Analytical solutions to the Schrödinger Equation with a Combined Potential using the Series Expansion Method to Study Selected Diatomic Molecules


  • Etido P. Inyang National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja
  • Joesph E. Ntibi University of Calabar ,P.M.B 1115 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Olumuyiwa O. Akintola National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja
  • Efiong A. Ibanga National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja
  • Funmilayo Ayedun National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja


Schrödinger equation;, series expansion method, Hulthén Potential, screened Kratzer Potential, diatomic molecules


Communication in Physical Sciences, 2022, 8(2):258-276

Etido P. Inyang,  Joseph E.Ntibi, Olumuyiwa O.Akintola , Efiong A. Ibanga , Funmilayo Ayedun, and Eddy S.William

Received: 26 January 2022/Accepted 19 May 2022

In this work, the Schrödinger equation with the Hulthén plus screened Kratzer Potential is solved via the series expansion method. The energy equation was used to compute the bound state energy for twelve diatomic molecules such as; CuLi, TiH, VH, TiC, HCl, LiH, H2, ScH, CO, I2 ,N2, and NO  for various quantum states. Three special cases were obtained from the combined potential when some potential parameters were set to zero, resulting in Hulthén, screened Kratzer, and Kratzer potentials. To test the accuracy of our results, we computed the bound state energy eigenvalues for HCl and LiH diatomic molecules for a special case of the Kratzer and screened Kratzer potential and the results obtained were in excellent agreement with the report of other researchers in the literature.


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Author Biographies

Etido P. Inyang, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja

Department of Physics

Joesph E. Ntibi, University of Calabar ,P.M.B 1115 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

Theoretical Physics Group, Department of

Olumuyiwa O. Akintola, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja

Department of Chemistry

Efiong A. Ibanga, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja

Department of Physics

Funmilayo Ayedun, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja

Department of Physics


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