The Effect of Glass–Kevlar 49 Fibre Loading on the Mechanical, Thermal and Physical Properties of Polypropylene Hybrid Composites
Composites hybrid, polypropylene, Kevlar 49, glass, mechanical, thermal and physical propertiesAbstract
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(2): 99-105
Author: E. Danladi, P.A.P. Mama, S.A. aro, M.T. Isa, E. R. Sadiku and S.S. Ray
Received 04 April 2020/Accepted 20 April 2020
In order to improve properties of polypropylene, , hybrid composites of GlassKevlar reinforced polypropylene were fabricated by using the compression molding technique. Mechanical, thermal and physical properties of the hybrid composites were investigated. The percentage fibre loadings were 06/07, 12/07 and 11/13 (i.e., GF/KF). The effect of stacking sequence on the properties was also investigated and reported. The fibre loading increase the toughness of the hybrid composites with GF/KF (11/13) having the highest. The observed high damping was attributed to alteration in molecular motion in the hybrid composites. Hybridization did not significantly affect the density of the produced composites. The increase in water absorption capacities of the hybrid composites with increasing Kevlar fibre contents was attributed to the presence of hydrogen bonds in the Kevlar fibre.
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