Analytical Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation with q-Deformed Modified Mobius Square Potential Using the Nikiforov-Uvarov Method
Schrödinger Equation, Nikiforov-Uvarov method, ; q-deformed Modified Mobius Square Potential, Energy SpectraAbstract
Communication in Physical Sciences, 2023, 9(4): 483-499
Authors: Samson Osinachi Nwadibia, Hilary Patrick Obong and Ephraim Okechukwu Chukwuocha
Received: 06 May 2023/Accepted 12 August 2023
In this study, a new potential named the “q-deformed modified Mobius square potential (MMSP)” is proposed. The Schrodinger equation with this model is solved using the famous Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method to obtain the energy equation and wave function of this system. The effects of the potential parameters and deformation parameter is analysed numerically and graphically. Findings reveal that the energy of the system increases as the deformation parameter increases. This implies that the deformation could be used as a regulator or booster to manipulate the energy spectra of the system. The findings from this study will apply to atomic and molecular physics and chemical physics.
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