Stress Concentration at a Sharp Corner of an Elastic Strip under Anti-Plane Strain


  • Franca Amaka Nwafor Gregory University, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria
  • Augustine Friday Osondu Ador Federal Polytechnic Ngodo Isuochi, Umunneochi Abia State, Nigeria


Crack propagation, stress field, power-law materials, fracture mechanics, numerical modelling


Communication in Physical Sciences, 2024, 11(4): 750-756

Authors: Franca Amaka Nwafor* and Augustine Friday Osondu Ador

Received: 12 May 2024/Accepted: 16 July 2024


In this study, we investigated the behaviour of crack propagation and stress fields in power-law materials using finite element analysis. The study investigated how different power-law exponents influence stress intensity factors and crack growth. We observed from the results of the study significant variations in stress intensity factors with changes in the power-law exponent, which confirmed the critical role of material properties in predicting fracture behaviour. Materials with higher power-law exponents exhibited greater resistance to crack growth. These results promoted the necessity of considering material-specific properties, particularly the power-law exponent, in designing structural components to predict material performance and failure accurately. Based on the findings, it is recommended that engineers and material scientists prioritize the power-law behaviour of materials in structural design to improve fracture resistance. Future research should aim to develop more sophisticated models and incorporate a broader range of material behaviours and environmental conditions. Also, experimental validation and multi-scale analysis techniques should be employed to enhance the understanding of fracture behaviour in power-law materials. Establishing industry standards for assessing and reporting power-law behaviour will facilitate better application of research findings across various engineering disciplines.


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Author Biographies

Franca Amaka Nwafor, Gregory University, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria

Department of Mathematics

Augustine Friday Osondu Ador, Federal Polytechnic Ngodo Isuochi, Umunneochi Abia State, Nigeria

Department of Maths and Statistics


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