Preliminary Screening of Medicinal plants in Nigeria for Phytochemicals and Essential Oils Constituents


  • Musa Runde National Open University of Nigeria, 91 Cadastral Zone, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Jabi-Abuja.


Essential oils, phytochemicals, percentage yield, steam distillation


Communication in Physical Sciences, 2020 6(1): 669-674

Received 27 August 2020/Accepted 01 September 2020

Applications of plant extracts for medicinal purpose is based on its phytochemical and essential oil components. Therefore, this study was designed to screen some medicinal plants that are typical to Nigerian environment for their essential oil and phytochemicals constituents. The tests results indicated that methanolic extract of the stem bark/leaves of Bosweillia dalzielii, Ocimum americanus, Hyptis spicigera, Hyptis suaveolens, Eucalyptus cammaldulensis, vossia cuspidata, Lavandula officinalis, Cinnamondedrone cubenes, D. microcarpun, D. Mespilisformis, Isoberlinia doka, L. korstringi, and K. sengalensis contain basic metabolite and essential oils. The essential oil content deduced from steam distillation indicated significant concentrations in the studied plants.


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Author Biography

Musa Runde, National Open University of Nigeria, 91 Cadastral Zone, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Jabi-Abuja.

Department of Pure and Applied Science, Faculty of Science


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