Antioxidant Assay and Flavonoids of Rind and Seed of Citrullus lanatusl linn (Water Melon)


  • A. Abdulazeez Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University,  Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria


Citrullus lanatus L, flavonoid, antioxidant, level of concentration


Authors: Abdulazeez, A. Usman, S. Audu, I. L Ibrahim, S. I. Kwokwu, .M. T. Umar,  J.  Babatunde & . A. Uthman

Received 17 March 2020/Accepted 01 April 2020

This work was designed to determine the level of antioxidant and flavonoids in rind and seed of Citrullus lanatus L. Samples were collected from various farm including Cecce, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University main gate and Gidan gwari farm then were. Results obtained indicated flavonoid concentration in the rind as  (174.41±0.02, 174.34±0.12, 173.78±0.00 and 174.56±0.00) mg/100g while those of seed were (156.79±0.01, 151.41±0.00, 154.12±0.04 and 153.00±0.02)mg/100g. However, antioxidant assay indicated the following concentration for rind samples collected from different farms (26.04±0.01, 23.81±0.02, 25.39±0.16 and 26.31±0.15)%DPPH while in the seed, the assay gave  (36.89±0.41, 38.19±0.03, 35.24±0.02 and 38.73±0.21) %DPPH. Therefore, Citrullus lanatus rind may provide considerable medicinal, health and economic benefits if freshly consumed or utilized in food products and also supplementing human nutrition requirements for normal growth and adequate protection against defects associated to the malnutrition.


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Author Biography

A. Abdulazeez, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University,  Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria

Department of Chemistry,


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