Fuelwood Exploitation and its Impacts on Residents of Kakau Daji Village, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Fuelwood, Exploitation, Kakau Daji VillageAbstract
Communication in Physical Sciences 2019, 4(1): 39-48
Authors: Dogo Simeon, B. N. Wendock, B. Friday & M. Madaka
Majority of rural dwellers in Nigeria still depend on fuelwood as their main source of energy for cooking and heating. The rate of exploitation of fuelwood and its impact on the environment especially in rural areas has attracted much interest recently than ever. This study examines the nature of fuelwood exploitation, quantity of fuelwood consumed per household, quantity sold per household and environmental problems associated with fuelwood exploitation. Primary data obtained in a cross-section survey of 100 household selected across the settlements of the area together with observation and measurements of quality of wood
exploited were used. Data were analyzed through the use of descriptive statistical technique tools such as tables and graphs. Key findings show that 57% of fuelwood exploiters in the village are farmers. The fuelwood used by 85% of respondents came from both bush and farmlands. Results also show that 95% of the villagers used fuelwood as primary source of fuel, cooking and heating on daily basis as there is little alternative availability and affordability.. About 84% of the respondents said the experience shifts in their income and expenditure level while exploiting and selling fuelwood. The study concludes that the impact of
fuelwood exploitation is becoming increasingly glaring and cannot be overlooked. Rapid efforts should be employed in providing alternative cheap and accessible type of fuel/energy for rural use.