Modelling Glucose-Insulin Dynamics: Insights for Diabetes Management
Stability, Initial Conditions, Glucose-Insulin, Regulatory System, Diabetic Patient, Dynamical SystemAbstract
Communication in Physical Sciences, 2024, 11(3): 382-397
Author: Amadi Ugwulo Chinyere
Received: 26 January 2024/Accepted: 10 May 2024
This study presents a comprehensive review and critical analysis of mathematical models used in glucose-insulin regulatory systems, with a focus on their application in diabetes research and clinical practice. The review highlights the strengths and limitations of existing models, emphasizing the need for further refinement and validation to enhance their predictive accuracy and clinical utility. Additionally, recommendations for future research directions are provided, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaborations and the translation of mathematical models into practical tools for personalized diabetes management. Overall, this work contributes to the advancement of mathematical modelling in diabetes research and underscores its potential to improve patient care and outcomes.
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