Maceral Characterization of the Cretaceous Effin – Okai Coal De-posit in Northern Anambra Basin, Nigeria


  • Felix B. Fatoye Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, Nigeria.
  • Yomi B. Gideon Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria
  • Joseph I. Omada National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria


Effin-Okai, coal, petrography, quality assessment, applications


Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(3): 223-232

Authors: Felix B. Fatoye, Yomi B. Gideon and Joseph I. Omada

Received 04 May 2020/Accepted 28 May 2020

Petrographic studies have been carried out on coal samples from Effin – Okai coal deposit in northern Anambra Basin, Nigeria. The studies were designed to determine the petrographic char-acteristics of the coal based on its composition and vitrinite reflectance to ascertain the potential rele-vance of the coal to possible industrial usages. Mac-eral characterization reveals the presence of the three maceral groups; vitrinite, liptinite and iner-tinite in all the samples. Observed proportion of the vitrinites and inertinites were higher than the liptinites in the samples. Based on mineral matter-free basis, the average composition of the coal indi-cated 58.60% vitrinite, 8.60% liptinite and 32.80% inertinite. However, in the presence of mineral mat-ter, the average compositions were 46.40% vitrinite, 6.30% liptinite, 28.40% inertinite and 18.90% min-eral matter. Therefore, the coal contains 52.70% re-actives (vitrinite + liptinite) and 47.30% inerts (in-ertinite + mineral matter). The mean vitrinite reflec-tance measurement for the coal was 0.38% Romax. These petrographic characteristics suggest that the coal does not possess coking qualities suitable for coke making blends and for metallurgical processes such as utilization in reduction of iron ore. There-fore, the quality of the coal is low. However, it has potential values for electricity generation, in heat-ing of boilers and for powering oven for industrial heating process


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Author Biographies

Felix B. Fatoye, Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, Nigeria.

Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering

Yomi B. Gideon, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria

Department of Earth Sciences

Joseph I. Omada, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria

Department of Environmental Science


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