Comparative Nutritional Analysis of Daddawa Made from Fermented Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max Seeds


Processing, fermentation, Daddawa, fermented, Glycine max, Parkia biglobosa, seeds nutrient enrichment


Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(3): 263-269

Authors: M. M. Ndamitso, *M. Musah, J. T. Mathew and V. T. Bissala

Received 12 May 2020/Accepted 28 May 2020/

The nutritional constituents of Fadan Karshi Daddawa made from fermented Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max were determined using AOAC, (2006) official and recommended methods. The results obtained for the proximate analysis fermented Parkia biglobosa max were moisture (7.50 %), ash (11.50%), crude fat (6.36%), crude fibre (6.83%), crude protein (28.38%) and crude carbohydrate (28.42%). However, the correspond-ding values for the Daddawa made from the fermentation of Glycine max seeds were 15.93, 33.48 and 35.71% respectively. Calculated energy values were 471.75 and 462.23 kcal/100g for the Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max products respectively. Mean concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, P, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in the fermented the Parkia biglobosa products were 18.89, 19.43, 278.23, 329.02, 12.19, 12.19, 6.11, 1.99, 21.55 and 18.177 mg/g respectively. However, mean concentrat-ions of these elements in the fermented Glycine max products were 18.28, 22.39, 244.76, 447.91, 13.45, 5.49, 1.62, 21.06 and 7.79 mg/100g. The amino acid profile of the two fermented seeds indicated highest concentration for aspartic acid (with concentrations of 10.12 and 10.23 g/100g for the fermented Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max products respectively) while methionine had the least concentrations (1.58 and 1.60g/100g for fermented Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max products respectively respectively). Measured values for the functional properties of the fermented Parkia biglobosa food samples were pH (6.65), wettability (401.00), bulk density (0.24), gelatinization temperature (82.50 C), foaming stability (7.00%), viscosity (3.50 second), oil absorption property (2.38 g) and gelation capacity (14.00%). In the Glycine max fermented product, the corresponding values were 7.35, 55.50 s, 0.93 g/cm3m 85.00 C, 50.30%, 11.00%, 8.00%, 3.50 s, 1.03 g and 15.00% respectively.The results indicated significant nutrient enrichment due to fermentation of Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max Hence fermentation of these plants seeds should be encouraged and practice.


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