Comparative Study of the Medicinal Values of Indigoferatinctoria and Gossypium Hirsutum
Indigoferatinctoria, Gossypium hirsutum, phytochemical and analysis,, antimicrobialAbstract
Communication in Physical Sciences, 2021, 7(4): 370-377
Authors: I. Ibrahim, A. Abdulazeez*, ,Z. M. Kolo, A. Usman, S. U. Nagenu, U. M. Badeggi, S. H. Mohammed,. A. I. Muhammad, and F. B. Salahuu
Received: 24 September 2021/Accepted 05 December 2021
Phytochemical screening was carried out using official and recommended analytical methods while the antimicrobial sensitivity test was implemented using the agar well diffusion method. From the phytochemical analysis of indigoferatinctoria extract, the results gotten, indicated the presence of significant concentrations of saponins, alkaloids and steroids, compared to the concentrations of flavonoids, tannins, glycoside, steroids(which were relatively minimal) and hydroxyl-anthraquinones (which was absent). The antimicrobial sensitive tests conducted on chloroform extract showed no activities against the selected bacteria, i.e Salmonella typhi, E.coli. Also, Staphylococcus aureus was not affected when treated with chloroform extract of Indigoferatinctoria but rather against ampicloxacillin control at 500 mg|ml The ethanolic extract showed minimal activities against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus but not against Salmonella typhi Distilled water extract of indigoferatinctoria displayed activity against E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus but not against Salmonella typhi. Results recorded for phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of glycosides, alkaloids and steroids in all Gossypium hirsutum extract but not for tannins, flavanoid, and saponins extracts. The antimicrobial sensitivity test for antimicrobial of some selected organism against gossypiumhirutum extract shows no activities when treated with the plant extract in both ethanol and distilled water extract but shows minimum activity with chloroform extract against Salmonella typhi at 80mg/ml and 100mg/ml. From the results obtained,gossypiumhirsutum extract showed no activity against the pathogen The antimicrobial activity of Indigoferatinctoria and Gossypium hirsutum may be harnessed for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria if toxicological tests confirm gives negative results
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